Sunday 2 March 2014

Career Plan

Where do I want to be after graduating college?

That's the question I've been asking myself these past days.

       When I was starting studying college, I planned that if I will graduate with marketing management as my course, I will pursue to Accountancy. If ever I will have the opportunity, time, and money, I will really pursue this course because I know it really will help me in my career as a marketer  and as an accountant. 

       If ever this plan would not be successful, of course ,there are a lot of alternative plans that I've got. As they say, if we fail on our PLAN A, there are still PLANS B, C, D ... Therefor, we must have many plans in life because if ever one has failed, we still have another one.


        I really want to engage into business that offers variety of products that will  used by consumers in a daily basis. I've been dreaming of putting up my grocery store. It is really my dream and the business that is for m family.

I chose this kind of business to manage and build  soon, if given the chance, because I know I will meet variety of people and personalities that I can help with and can help me.

All these dreams and plans in life will not be achieved if e will not work on it and if we will not build a strong foundation that will protect our dreams from all the circumstances that may block our way to SUCCESS.

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