Friday 7 February 2014

A Student's Life

As I begin my tertiary education, everything seemed so different. New people. New environment. new activities. But, in spite of those new things, I managed to adapt in the new world I got into.

In every activity that I had, I make sure that I am doing my best. Want some proof? Here it is. :)

I did enjoy the moment that's why I did won as  Top Model in Psychology class. Hmm. In everything I do, I wanted to sure that I'm doing my best. In academics and activities I am involved, I wanted to work on hand because I believed that you can be fully satisfied with what you have done if you are working on it hardly, patiently and wisely.

             I believed to become a good student, one must be a  hardworking, patient, creative, optimistic, responsible, wise, courageous, and God fearing person. It is a great achievement if one has done things in a good manner .Although nobody's perfect for everyone commits mistake a they learn. But our mistakes must be put into our mind  so that we can apply it to ourselves in a good way by not doing it again. 

"Learning do not depend on  how high your scores in quizzes, examinations, etc. alone. 
It is about how you apply those knowledge you have abstracted in order to help yourself and all the people that surrounds you."

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