Sunday 1 February 2015

Concerned Citizen's Erudition

             We, Filipino consumers, have all the rights to promote and act and responsibilities to perform. As a student intern in the Department of Trade and Industry Davao del Norte, I learned  lot of my consumer rights  as well as the responsibilities I should exercise. 

             As early as now, I am encourage to little by little change my perception about things that's around me especially when about the impact of my actions as an aspiring entrepreneur of the country to our environment.

             We are always taught that we should be concern on our environment. That is why from now on, every time I will make an act I will really be aware of its impact to the environment as a simple consumer and as a entrepreneur soon. And when I have my own business to operate , I will really live up to the fact that I will consider all the business activities so that I will be protecting the environment as well as helping the world to be healthy. It may be so ambitious but it is one way of showing our concern to the environment and even it is a simple act, it will have a big impact if I can influence other people to do the same. 

              Since, I am a marketer I am really aware that the environment provides everything that we are enjoying especially the foods, minerals, and other existing products. However, many people are abusing it not thinking of its effect in the near future. So, to have the abundance in the future, we must protect what we have right now.

               In what way we can do this? As early as now, we will encourage other people to be aware of the impact of their actions to the environment and be concern of it. For example, consuming plastic bottled beverages is more convenient when having recreational activities than of those glass bottles. In this matter, recycling empty plastic bottles to become vegetable or flower pots is a bright idea where it will lessen the pollution and also promote innovation. While protecting the environment , we are also enjoying ourselves spending time on innovating the things around us. 

               There are many things we can do to save our environment from damages, but there are few who do protect it. Thus, to have a better life, we must protect what we have. Encourage everyone in the Philippines and all over the world. And altogether, let us do it not later, not tomorrow but NOW. 


Friday 23 January 2015


             The DTI Davao del Norte is on the way to educate its people to become aware of their rights and responsibilities as a concerned citizen of the country.

             How great it is if all the people knows about it, right?

      As a citizen of the country, we must know our 8 basic consumer rights. These are the following:

          And if we have the rights, of course, we also have responsibilities.

          Do you know them? Or did you mind to know them? If not, then you should know them.
Our responsibilities are as follow:

             Now we know about it, let us start to exercise our rights and perform our responsibilities to become a better citizen of our country.


Department of Trade and Industry 
Davao del Norte Provincial Office- Consumer Welfare and Trade Regulation Division


Thursday 22 January 2015

DTI Davnor: Continuing Consumer Education

              As one of our rights, "RIGHT TO CONSUMER EDUCATION", the Department of Trade and Industry  Davao del Norte Provincial Office has conducted a continuing education seminar in partnership with the ICA (IGaCoS Consumers Association) in their annual assembly and City Investment and Promotion Office- Samal  last January 20, 2014 in Peñaplata, Island Garden City of Samal, Davao del Norte  to realize the objectives of the many projects of the said agency. 

              The participants were the members of the ICA and some officials of the barangays in Samal. 

              Everybody will get old, so as early as today continuing Consumer Education will be very helpful to us because we will be aware of our rights when we get old. And as we exercise and make our body healthy, we must also exercise our rights to become a healthy citizen of our country.

             One of the topics discussed was about Senior Citizens Discounts. According to JAO  10-02, S 2010, the Senior Citizens can avail the grant of Special Discounts on  purchase of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities.

Salient features on DISCOUNT:
  • Every senior Citizen shall enjoy a special discount of 5% of the regular retail price, without exemption from the value added tax (VAT) of basic necessities and prime commodities.
  • The total amount of purchase shall not exceed the amount of P1,300.00 per calendar week without carry over of the unused amount.
  • The amount shall be spent on basic necessities and prime commodities commensurate to the Senior Citizen's personal exclusive consumption or enjoyment within the calendar week.
  • The P1,300.00 amount per calendar week shall be spent on at least 4 kinds of items under basic necessities and prime commodities.

        Also, there is a discussion with regards to SALES PROMOTION.
        Sales Promotion is a technique intended to increase sales, patronage and/or goodwill of a product, service or credit facilities.

  Sales promotion must contain the following elements:
  1. Promise of Gain
  2. Consumer Purchase
  3. Use of Mass Media
  4. Duration.
The promotional material must contain the following information:
  • WHAT?
  1. Mechanics
  2. Products/Service/Program
  3. Prizes
  • WHO?
  1. Participants
  2. Disqualified
  • HOW?
  1. Procedures for Entry
  2. Determination of Winner(s)
  • WHEN?
  1. Period of Promo
  2. Deadline of Submission of Entries
  3. Last day of Effectivity
  4. Draw Date
  • WHERE?
  1. Area Covered
  2. Outlets Covered
  3. Collection of Prize
            These information is very essential for us consumers for it will enable us to determine if the sales promotion of business is registered and reviewed by the Regional Office of  DTI (Department of Trade and Industry).

"Be concerned, be knowledgeable."


The Joint DTI-DA Administrative Order No.10-02, Series of 2010 

The Joint DTI-DA Administrative Order No.12-02, Series of 2012
Department of Trade and Industry Davao del Norte Provincial Office  
Consumer Welfare and Trade Regulation Division

Thursday 15 January 2015

eNERCON TIPS: Energy Audit? Do It Yourself

       Are we concerned on our environment? Do you mind of your energy consumption?  If no, then we should start learning and doing things that would help ourselves and the environment.

            Do you know what part of your house consume most energy? If not, then you should hire a professional energy auditor. But what is really an energy audit? 

An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s).

             We may think of an additional cost if we hire an energy auditor. So, worry no more for there is a cost- effective way of doing it. All you have to do is to follow the do-it-yourself (DIY) energy assessment tips: 
  • Check the insulation in your attic, and basement walls, ceilings, floors, and crawl spaces. Improving your home’s insulation is the fastest way to cut on your energy waste. For best results when you insulate your home, consider factors such as climate, home design, and budget. If you intended to to install insulation yourself, be sure to follow manufacturer’s installation instructions and wear the proper protective gear.
  • Check for air leaks around your walls, ceilings, windows, door, light and plumbing fixtures, switches, and electrical outlets. Before you insulate your house, be sure to seal air leaks because insulating materials will not block leaks.
  • Take time to study your family member’s lighting needs and make use of controls- like sensors, dimmers, or timers- to reduce lighting use when necessary.
  • Check if your refrigerator is already overworked. Over time, it will experience wear and tear in the door’s rubber gasket, build-up dirt and dust on coils, thus eroding its efficiency and making it more expensive to operate.
  • Check the insulation of your witches and outlets. To know if there’s a leak, remove the plate and cover the opening with a ply of tissue affixed t the wall at the top of the painter’s tape. If the tissue billows, it is likely that there is a leakage. If so, immediately insulate the opening with a precut foam gasket.
  •  Properly maintain your appliances as well as heating and cooling systems. Be sure to read the corresponding owner’s manuals for recommended maintenance.
          By following these tips, we may consume our energy effectively and efficiently that will enable us save money and we will become a concerned citizen that cares for environment.



  • Consumer Welfare Division - Department of Trade and Industry Davao del Norte Provincial Office

Published by the Knowlegde Management and Infomation System Service (KMIS) for the DTI ENERCON Management Team in support of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program.

If you have Enercon tips to share, othe suggestions or requested topics, please email at

Friday 26 September 2014

Filipiniana ^_^

Its been a great experience wearing our Filipiniana attire!! It really boost my confidence wearing our national costume and I am so PROUD to be one. ^_^

 Proud to be a Pinay!

Monday 24 March 2014



It is a great feeling to create a thing out of something that you don't think so useful.

From shoe box to a carton wallet.


From Straw to coin purse!

A great fulfillment.

(Marketing 9A-- Marketing Management)

Wednesday 5 March 2014

What is your temperament??

Before I took the test on, I already know that I have the personalities of  a choleric individual.


                 Your temperament is choleric. The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings.

AMBITIOUS and LEADER-LIKE. This really describes me. I am really ambitious and most of the time I am the leader in every activity that I've been.

LOT OF AGGRESSION, ENERGY, AND PASSION. Yeah! this is me. I am really like this because I can observe that I am aggressive especially when it comes to decision making. And it is really true that I have a lot energy in my system. hmm. And with those energy that I have, I can influence others to become energetic too because I really don't like to be in a lousy environment. And of course, I am really passionate in the sense that in everything I do, I really give my best no matter how small or big  thing is.

DOMINANT. I really observed that many people will say I am dominant. this really speaks out of me. In most of the situations, I wanted that I will be followed by the people around me except when I know I don't have idea on a matter or there's better idea than mine.

LIKE TO BE IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING. This is me. In everything I do I want to stay in touch. I've been used to being in charge of many things in life.

HIGHLY ORGANIZED OR DISORGANIZED. I admit that there are times that I am not organized but if I compare many situations, I really can say that I am an organized person.

LEADER-LIKE AND ASSERTIVE. I agree to this. I really observed that I've been a leader to many  activities and of course being a leader you must have self-confidence.

FALL IN DEEP AND SUDDEN DEPRESSION. Sometimes, I feel depressed because of many things, especially when I have problems but that will not last long, because I am more optimistic and I want to live life happily.

PRONE TO MOOD SWINGS.  I really agree to this. I suddenly change mood to every situation but of course, it is controllable.

THIS IS ME!! A choleric one. 
No matter what is your personality, as long as you are a good person that can help other people that surrounds you, you must be proud of yourself.